
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bald Caps

Today I did my first latex bald cap application in quite some time. I've included a time-lapse  video and the finished product below...

The first thing that I learned is that it is important to pull the cap as tightly as you can, otherwise the cap will pull when you stipple on the makeup. This unfortunately happened to me and I had to re-cut and glue down the edges. This was a trial run, so I had the time to do this. The second thing I was reminded of was the blending of the edges. Make sure to use a very thin layer of latex to blend the edges of the cap or you will have a visible boundary. 

As I do more bald caps I will update this entry. I will say this, take your time while cutting the cap. Don't be afraid to pull tightly to create the perfect fit. Pay attention to the edges. Too much latex on the edges might create a more noticeable seam. The trick is to both place the seam nearest to the hairline and use the thinnest, smallest amount of latex to blend the edges. The makeup is the easy part. I would suggest a light orange stipple to neutralize the blue hue created by the dark hair underneath the cap (if you are capping dark hair) and then use a shade slightly darker than your client's skin tone for the entire head. 

Remember: have fun with it and use reference photos!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tomorrow's Work...

I am excited for tomorrow's shoot. I'll be working with a designer. The overall look is natural and clean, with soft straight hair and then a low loose twist later on.

I'm armed with my hot rollers, flat iron, bobby pins and hairspray...

For the makeup, I'll be focusing on the cheeks - color and contour - making sure to add a subtle highlight. The eyes will be light with a soft taupe eyeliner on both top and bottom with thick and separated lashes, with softly defined brows. For lips, I'll go with a peachy lip tint.

Will post pics as soon as I can...


Sunday, March 10, 2013


I've decided to try out each of these "no heat curls" methods I like the most. So, I will try a different technique each night, and of course blog about it.